Showing 14 Resources filtered by 'S'
- Self-Care Learning to look after yourself is the first step to developing independence. Self-Care includes washing, dressing, going to the toilet and eating and drinking. Dressing Learning to dress independently is an important life skill. It gives your child a sense of achievement to master a new skill. Going to the toilet Toilet training is […]
Surgical Management of Womb Cancer
Understanding womb cancer About womb cancer In the UK, about 9,400 women are diagnosed with womb cancer each year. Womb cancer is rare in women aged under 40 and becomes more common after the age of 55. Womb cancer can affect anyone who has a womb. Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Shoulder Injury
Soft tissue injury of a shoulder A soft tissue injury is an injury to the muscle, ligament or tendon. It is often caused by overstretching of the soft tissue which can be followed by pain, swelling and reduced movement. Full recovery from soft tissue injuries can take up to six weeks. Do’s If your shoulder […]Topic: Emergency Care
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Safeguarding Adults
What is Safeguarding Adults? Safeguarding adult’s means protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding applies to any adult who: Care and support needs describes someone who needs health and/ or social care services (whether or not they receive services). Abuse and neglect can happen anywhere and anyone can […]Topic: Safeguarding Adults
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Secondary Breast Cancer
What is secondary breast cancer? Sometimes cancer cells can travel from the original tumour in the breast and spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph system. The organs that breast cancer usually spreads to are bone, liver or lungs. When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it […]Topic: Breast Screening
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Surgical Management of Womb Cancer
Understanding womb cancer About womb cancer In the UK, about 9,400 women are diagnosed with womb cancer each year. Womb cancer is rare in women aged under 40 and becomes more common after the age of 55. Womb cancer can affect anyone who has a womb. Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in the lining of the womb […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Scarf and Akin Osteotomy
Introduction This leaflet is for anyone being listed for a Scarf and Akin Osteotomy surgery at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust. What is this operation for? This surgery is to correct a Bunion which may be advised if your symptoms are significant, non-surgical measures have been exhausted and do not relieve the discomfort of the […]Topic: Orthopaedics
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Success Rates
The table below shows the Live Birth Rates for patients who received treatment at Gateshead Fertility using their own eggs between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2022. Female Age in Years Under 38 38 and over LIVE BIRTH RATE FRESH TREATMENT Per cycle started […]Topic: Fertility
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Shoulder Hydrodilatation for Frozen Shoulder
What is hydrodilatation? Hydrodilatation is a medical treatment for a stiff or frozen shoulder. At Gateshead Health NHS Trust, this is done by the consultant radiologist in the ultrasound department. The procedure takes about one hour. Under ultrasound scan guidance we will put local anaesthetic onto the skin and surrounding tissues and then, along with […]Topic: Surgery
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Simple Volar Plate Injury
The finger is made up of several small bones with the joints being supported by strong ligaments; one of these ligaments is called the volar plate. It helps to support the joint and prevents it from being over stretched or dislocated. A volar plate injury occurs when the middle joint of the finger (PIP joint) […]Topic: Surgery
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors