Do not visit patients in hospital if you have had any sickness or diarrhoea in the last two days. This could pass to our patients and make them seriously ill. Find out more

Publication scheme

This Publication Scheme is a guide to information which we routinely make available in line with our commitment to the principles of openness and transparency and in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.

Who we are and what we do 

What we spend and how we spend it 

What our priorities are and how we are doing

How we make decisions

Our policies and procedures

Our policies and procedures are available on request.

Lists and registers

The services we offer 

Re-use of public sector information

The Re-Use of Public Sector Information (RPSI) Regulations 2015 imposes an obligation on public sector bodies to make the information they produce, hold or disseminate as part of their public task available for re-use for commercial and non-commercial purposes unless restricted or excluded. Conditions of re-use, standard charges (if any), a list of main documents available for re-use, and means of redress must be made publically available.

The Trust supports these principles and is committed to making information that falls within the scope of RPSI available for re-use under the framework.

Queries, feedback and complaints

If you have any queries, feedback or complaints in relation to our Publication Scheme, please contact us by:

Contact the Information Governance team

Trust Headquarters,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Sheriff Hill,